Whowe are

ON BOARD is an URBACT Programme Transfer Network co-financed by the ERDF where the city of Viladecans (Spain) leads the transnational exchange with five other cities across Europe for the transfer of the Educational Innovation Network, a successful Good Practice in Viladecans. The partner cities are Albergaria-a-Velha (Portugal), Halmstad (Sweden), Nantes (France), Poznań (Poland), and Tallinn (Estonia).

Check the ON BOARD project website for further info: https://urbact.eu/onboard.

URBACT is a European exchange and learning program that promotes the sustainable and integrated urban development.

Through a variety of participatory engagement activities, site visits, learning exchanges and expert-guided transnational meetings (face-to-face, then on-line due to COVID-19), ON BOARD’s Good Practice Transfer Journey and results merit the attention of any city interested in developing an Education Innovation Network. One that can count on the win-win engagements of all kinds of community stakeholders, young and old, public or private, within and out of the school’s walls. All with the aim of innovating education practices and to prepare our future citizens to meet 21st Century challenges under the principles of responsibility and inclusiveness and excellence.

ON BOARDGood Practice

The Educational Innovation Network

Education is, and has been, a local priority in the city of Viladecans. The Local Plan for the Improvement of the Educational Success (2013-2014) aimed to complement and strengthen the action of education centres by supporting them with resources and initiatives by means of establishing links with the social and cultural dynamics of the city. It promoted the driving vision that everybody in the city can contribute to education. This included primary and secondary schools (public, mixed and private), but also families of students, private companies operating in the city, education experts, social and cultural entities, plus the municipal services.

The Educational Innovation Network is one of the tools set up at this plan to achieve educational success. The Educational Innovation Network promotes an integrative approach and co-responsibility of all education stakeholders while incorporating the use of technology and digital tools in the classroom to help make education innovative and modern. Thus, a two-fold conception of the term “education innovation” underpins Viladecans’ actions: technological innovation, incorporating devices and connectivity in the daily teaching learning process; and social innovation, developing education initiatives and projects, while at the same time capacitating participants involved.

This is the Good Practice transferred in ON BOARD project.

It contributes at a macro level to the European Union´s Urban Policy Agenda in three objectives:

Learn more


Jobs and Skills
in the Local Economy


Digital Transition


Reducing Urban

ON BOARDNetwork Project

Following URBACT call for submission of European urban Good Practices, (those proven to work well and with potential to be shared with other cities), Viladecans’ Educational Innovation Network was awarded as one to be shared and transferred to other European cities. Each ON BOARD partner could then improve its own capacity to develop and implement integrated urban strategies and actions for educational innovation grounding on a network of local education agents.

Viladecans Albergaria-a-Velha Poznán Nantes Halmstad Tallinn

Follow ON BOARD’s Education Innovation Transfer Journey as we show you our step-by-step progress with replicable methods and tools, key learning and outputs, including projects. On this site, you will find the background information about each city, plus an array of ON BOARD’s outputs and recommendations for the Good Practice Transfer that make the toolbox for other cities considering to do something similar: The ON BOARD Transfer Network itself, the Transfer Steps and the ON BOARD’s main Stakeholders who are in turn members of the Educational Innovation Networks in each partner city.

How we did it





Teachers and principals




involved in ON BOARD projects and activities



directly participating in activities and meetings



participating in ON BOARD activities and meetings



that have contributed to the project


Local entities

participating in ON BOARD activities and meetings


Mayors and councillors

who have participated in meetings or events of the network


People from the municipal staff

involved in the project


Pilot Projects

initiated in your city







Improvement of external
regional exams results


Reduction of school failure


Truancy reduction


Students´acquisition of digital skills in school curricula.


Teachers acquire tergeted digital skills

Video gallery of ON BOARD voices

A snapshot view of the core elements of the Educational Innovation Network as well at its transfer potential to the ON BOARD Network Partners, that was set at the project inception, can be found in the Transfer Study.

For an insight of the results of the transfer process, the stakeholders involved, the tools used and the great moments of the team work, keep browsing.